Vegan Tips 33 results

President’s Choice Launches Plant-Based Products Across Canada

President’s Choice - a private label owned by Canadian grocer, Loblaws - recently announced a new line of vegan products across the country. Loblaws launched the product line back in May and will roll out the rest from now until the middle of June. The plant-based line includes ...

7 Must-Read Vegan Books For Your Library

The best way to make a firm transition into a plant-based diet is by being educated. Whether through videos, news, or books, educating yourself on the realities of being vegan is a must. So today I decided to take a look into the world of vegan literature and find the best of the best when it ...

9 Cruelty-Free Cosmetic Companies to Fill Your Makeup Bag

In a world where information is becoming easier and easier to access, it’s no wonder people are switching to cruelty-free makeup. Videos and articles on the horrors of the cosmetics industry are forcing many companies to switch to cruelty-free products. The European Union was the first to ban ...

8 Super Cheesy Vegan Recipes

The most difficult part of going vegan for me was giving up cheese. Milk? No problem, I’ve been drinking soy since I was 4. Meat? A breeze. Ice cream? A bit more difficult but manageable. But cheese?? Most of my diet consisted of something with cheese in it and, not going to lie, but some vegan ...

Top Vegan Fast Food Items To Grab On The Go

Fast food is forever the OG food when you’re in a pinch. Running late to work? Need to grab something to eat before yoga class? Forgot to grab groceries and you’re just exhausted? Fast food is there for you. Thankfully, most fast food places now have some delicious (and actually pretty ...

20 Summer Vegan Recipes

Summer is here, which means summer cooking, or lack thereof, is finally here! It’s time to crank out the BBQ and get ready for patio season, but more importantly prepare to wow everyone with some mind-blowing summer vegan creations. So it’s time to celebrate with a summer recipe roundup! ...

How To Step Up Your Avocado Toast Game

Let’s face it: Avocado toast is the bomb. Although at this point it’s become more of a joke towards millennials than a legitimately healthy meal, there is no denying the power of some bread and avocado and what it can do to your taste buds. But I’m not sure about you, but I’m at the ...

10 Simple Tips For Eating Less Meat In 2018

Although the time for New Year’s Resolutions is long gone, there’s no reason not to try to change to a vegan diet or at least start eating less meat. Whether it’s for health reasons, moral reasons, or anti-animal cruelty, reducing your meat intake is an overall great choice. But the transit...

10 Delicious Vegan Recipes To Bring To Your Next BBQ

Spring is finally upon us, which means the BBQ season has just begun. And just because you’re living the vegan life doesn’t mean you have to miss out on some classic BBQ foods. Instead, you can use this season to shock everyone with how good these vegan recipes taste! So for the next BBQ, ...

Fear Not! Veganism Does Not Commit You To A Life Of Soy

So, I have a story to share: I was talking to my cousin the other day and we were chatting about being vegan. I am vegan; she is not. However; she’s very supportive and even slightly interested. That being said, one of her immediate reactions when I asked if she considered trying it ...