Healthy Living 15 results

Recipe: Herbed Tofu Tomato Salad

On Sunday, I prepared a Mother's Day Feast. We have a big family here, and my son is lucky enough to have his mother, two grandmothers, and two great grandmothers. I wanted to treat everyone to a delicious vegan feast -- it's the least we can do for the amazing mothers of this world. I had two ...

9 Vegan Back to School Recipes Your Kid Will Love

Summer has come and gone, and as September arrives, so the season of back to school! No matter the grade, back to school can be one of the most stressful times, between the shopping, the meet and greets, and preparing food for your kids to bring to school. As a university student, the stress of ...

Why Too Many Acai Berry Bowls Could Be A Bad Thing

I don’t know about you, but everywhere I look I’m bombarded by images of açai berry bowls. Don’t get me wrong, they look amazing! They’re super colorful, and just looking at them makes you feel healthier. People are eating them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I can see the appeal. ...

How To Step Up Your Avocado Toast Game

Let’s face it: Avocado toast is the bomb. Although at this point it’s become more of a joke towards millennials than a legitimately healthy meal, there is no denying the power of some bread and avocado and what it can do to your taste buds. But I’m not sure about you, but I’m at the point ...

10 Simple Tips For Eating Less Meat In 2018

Although the time for New Year’s Resolutions is long gone, there’s no reason not to try to change to a vegan diet or at least start eating less meat. Whether it’s for health reasons, moral reasons, or anti-animal cruelty, reducing your meat intake is an overall great choice. But the transit...

10 Delicious Vegan Recipes To Bring To Your Next BBQ

Spring is finally upon us, which means the BBQ season has just begun. And just because you’re living the vegan life doesn’t mean you have to miss out on some classic BBQ foods. Instead, you can use this season to shock everyone with how good these vegan recipes taste! So for the next BBQ, put ...

Haagen-Dazs is Releasing Their Vegan Ice Cream Across the USA!

I’ve heard every excuse in the book when it comes to people not wanting to give veganism a try. From “It’s such an expensive lifestyle!” to “How will I get enough protein?”, the list of excuses have become absurdly long (and wrong). But the most common one I’ve heard is “There ...

Here’s Why Swiss Chard Is The Secret (But Powerful) Ingredient Missing From Your Vegan Diet

Everywhere we go, healthy diet trends will follow. We’re obsessed with getting healthier, and rightfully so! Ensuring your body’s health not only ensures a longer life, but a happier life. And the foundation of a healthy diet are vegetables, whether you like it or not. What’s the current big ...

2018 Vegan Food Trends

We saw many developments in the global food industry in 2017! Starbucks unveiled their first vegan breakfast item, Pizza Hut finally brought us vegan cheese and the McVegan is now offered Sweden and Finland! We put together a list of the 10 biggest vegan advancements of 2017 that you can check out ...

Why Cauliflower Is Going To Be The New Kale In 2018

Have you ever told someone that you are vegan, and they automatically ask you how often you eat kale? If it hasn’t happen to you yet, the time is near. However, what these folks don’t know is that, while kale is still extremely delicious and even more nutritious (see what I did there?), kale ...