month : 12/2017 5 results

Why Cauliflower Is Going To Be The New Kale In 2018

Have you ever told someone that you are vegan, and they automatically ask you how often you eat kale? If it hasn’t happen to you yet, the time is near. However, what these folks don’t know is that, while kale is still extremely delicious and even more nutritious (see what I did there?), kale ...

A Round-Up Of The 10 Biggest Vegan Announcements Of 2017

This year has been a BIG year in vegan news! From better treatment to animals to an increase in vegan food options, there has been progress on many fronts. Here we’ve rounded up the biggest announcements of the year, and are counting down based on what we think has the biggest, or the potent...

How To Make A Festive Vegan Christmas Dinner To Impress Even The Most Skeptical Carnivore

Christmas is coming, and the highlight (other than the presents) is the dinner. That family dinner the bonding time your family has to come over, share laughter and smiles, and eat until everyone feels ill. It’s possibly the most important dinner of the year. However, if you’re a vegan and ...

8 Great Gift Ideas For The Vegan In Your Life

It’s December and holiday season is in full swing! Whether you’ve had the majority of your shopping completed in July or are just getting started, there’s usually one or two items that you just can’t seem to tick off your list until the very last minute. As hard as it can be, already, ...

Four Vegan Baking Hacks You Can Use in Any Recipe!

Replace eggs  The Chia Egg will be your best friend after going vegan! It's so simple and you won't even be able to tell the difference. Grind up 1 TBS of chia seeds into a fine powder, add 1/3C of water and mix. Set the mixture aside for 10-15 minutes and you'll see it turn into a gel. ...