Popular Cafe In London Stops Offering Cows Milk After Learning More About Dairy

Do we really need milk in our diets?

Especially milk from Cows? A while back, We shared this video about the recent decline in sales amongst dairy farmers and the rise of plant based alternatives. In the clip we share insights around how hemp, almond and soy milk is on the rise and the dairy industry is fighting back:

As more and more people are rejecting baby cow milk, there’s more businesses and organizations starting to follow suit. Coffee shops and cafes have been huge customers for the dairy industry as a dash of cream and milk has become common place for a cup of coffee. Most recently, one of the most popular and highly rated coffee shops in London decided to embrace kindness and walk away from dairy once and for all.

To share the news, they put this poster on their wall:

It reads:


This is the last week we shall be buying, steaming and pouring cow’s milk into our espressos. We have the following alternatives:


OAT milk will be charged at the same price as cow’s milk, the others at 30p more as we’ve always done.

For three days from Friday this poster will be replaced with one explaining why. If you’re not going to be here for it, search on YouTube for the following five minute video:


We didn’t think it was either.


As you can see, they are mentioning in this poster that there’s a YouTube video that talks about the dangers of dairy. We also never thought Dairy was Scary until we watched it. Check it out – Here’s the video they were talking about:

So tell me…

What’s your favorite milk alternative? I’d love to know!

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