July 2019 - Vegan Boyfriend | Vegan Recipes | Meatless Mornings
month : 07/2019 3 results

5 Vegan Snacks That Are Better Than Fried Chicken!

Ask any carnivore out there and chances are that fried chicken is their favorite snack.  We’ve seen many-a-friends salivate at the thought of it… The juicy, crunchy, spicy stuff makes their mouth water instantly and it’s something that they hate sharing…. They say that ...

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

Is there anything in the world that’s better than cookie dough?  It’s definitely one of my favorite foods, but unfortunately, traditional cookie dough is not safe to eat due to the risk of salmonella - and also the fact that it’s not vegan! So I searched to see what else is out ...

Atlanta Is All Set to Rock 4th of July Celebrations With This Vegan Block Party

July 4th —the most awaited holiday in the U.S. has arrived! We bet you’ve got great plans for the holiday and the weekend that follows. From checking out the fireworks to visiting the carnivals, picnics to family reunions - there’s always so much to see and do!  And if you’re in ...