JUST Egg Launches at Tim Hortons

Canadian coffee chain, Tim Hortons, has begun trialing the JUST egg product at select locations! This is the latest effort from a fast-food chain looking to cater to growing consumer cravings for non-animal proteins. 
Tim Hortons will be offering a vegan omelette sandwich that features the mung bean patty from the food manufacturing company. The patty is made from the same ingredients as JUST’s liquid vegan egg that scrambles and acts like a real egg.

Image Source: Tim Hortons

JUST has discovered that mung beans can act like chicken eggs when scrambled. But unlike chicken eggs, which contain 400 milligrams of cholesterol, JUST’s is cholesterol-free! To compare, three tablespoons of JUST egg is equivalent to one chicken egg, and offers five grams of plant-based protein! 

The addition of JUST egg comes off the announcement of Tim Horton debuting breakfast sandwiches and burgers made with Beyond Meat

In a statement from JUST’s founder and CEO, Josh Tetrick, he says “Canada is one of the most  requested markets for JUST and we’re excited to be able to offer our product at select Tim Hortons locations for this market test.”


The innovative product is one of many for the company. JUST earned lots of attention in 2013 with its eggless JUST mayo, followed by a range of salad dressings. The company is also working on developing a lab-grown meat product that is expected to make its launch in the near future. 

Committing to a plant-based diet is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself, and here at Your Vegan Boyfriend, we’ve got the right tools to help you! Check out our guide on transitioning into a plant-based diet today. 

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