vegan lifestyle 10 results

President’s Choice Launches Plant-Based Products Across Canada

President’s Choice - a private label owned by Canadian grocer, Loblaws - recently announced a new line of vegan products across the country. Loblaws launched the product line back in May and will roll out the rest from now until the middle of June. The plant-based line includes ...

7 Must-Read Vegan Books For Your Library

The best way to make a firm transition into a plant-based diet is by being educated. Whether through videos, news, or books, educating yourself on the realities of being vegan is a must. So today I decided to take a look into the world of vegan literature and find the best of the best when it ...

13 Vegan Autumn Recipes To Fall In Love With

Summer is almost over and the season of pumpkins, leaves, and pumpkin spice lattes is finally upon us! Fall has forever been one of my favorite seasons. Not too cold, not too hot - fall is the just-right porridge of all the seasons. With the beautiful colors of changing leaves, and tons of fall ...

9 Vegan Back to School Recipes Your Kid Will Love

Summer has come and gone, and as September arrives, so the season of back to school! No matter the grade, back to school can be one of the most stressful times, between the shopping, the meet and greets, and preparing food for your kids to bring to school. As a university student, the stress of ...

12 Protein Packed Plant Based Ideas

Protein is the foundation of a healthy diet, and vegan protein is so diverse that you can have it any way you want. Whether you love tempeh, soy, beans or any other type of protein, there are plenty of delicious recipes to find. So I made up a list of 12 protein-packed recipes that’ll blow you ...

14 Delicious Vegan Pasta Recipes

Pasta has a way of appealing to nearly everybody. They’re the perfect meal! They can be easy and simple, or more difficult and fanciful. The pure range of availabilities you have are limitless. And vegan pasta? That just opens the door to be even more innovation. Whether you want something ...

15 Of The Best Vegan Memes

As a stereotypical millennial, I love memes. My sense of humor aligns perfectly with most mainstream memes using terrible puns and visual gags to make me chuckle as I scroll through my social feeds. But the cream of the crop for memes are vegan memes. Whether they’re making fun of vegan life, ...

Why Too Many Acai Berry Bowls Could Be A Bad Thing

I don’t know about you, but everywhere I look I’m bombarded by images of açai berry bowls. Don’t get me wrong, they look amazing! They’re super colorful, and just looking at them makes you feel healthier. People are eating them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I can see the appeal. ...

6 Amazing Perks Of Having a Best Friend Who Is Vegan

It’s Friday. You’re out with friends at your local Mexican restaurant that calls your name after every workweek. You’re sitting there looking at the menu, that you have practically memorized already. When the waitress comes back, everyone picks their typical menu option. Katie gets fajitas ...

The Ultimate Vegan Grocery Guide That Everyone Should Read

Going into the grocery store can be intimidating for anyone, especially when you are vegan and can’t eat half of the store. When you first walk in, your bombarded with advertisements, sales and food everywhere the eye can see. Even if you have experience in the kitchen, grocery trips can ...