Like A Good Time At A Campfire, It Starts With A Story…
I’m your Vegan Boyfriend.
If you’ve ever wanted to become vegan.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about veganism.
If you’re confused by all the information out there from conflicting sources.
You’ve come to the right place.
You see, years ago – I didn’t know where to turn.
I was scrolling through Facebook and came across a video that talked about the health benefits of cutting back on meat. It opened my eyes to something that I had ignored for years. Something that I knew was true but had the ability to look past through a combination of both ignorance and denial.
I was the guy who made the joke:
I’d go vegan – But Bacon…
I was the guy who spent hours trying to debunk research. I was the guy who would eat multiple steaks a week. I was the guy who thought you needed meat to get GAINZ.
I was wrong.
You may think I started this website simply because I’m obsessed with cooking vegan food. Well, that’s true. I can put together a mean Tofu Scramble or one of the best Indian dishes that you will ever have. But in reality, I created Vegan Boyfriend after a long chat with a friend. The discussion started with a reflection on the past year and ended with a decision to try something new.
Meatless Mondays.
We decided to start our journey into the world of veganism with a little challenge. A challenge that would force us to not eat any meat on Mondays. From there, our spouses begun to refer to us as their Vegan Boyfriends and like that, the brand was born.
We created this site because we care about the future of our planet and want more people to be aware of the health benefits associated with veganism. In addition, we want to share with folks some of our lessons and delicious recipes we’ve made.
Here’s the thing:
Vegans & vegetarians are some of the most open minded, conscious and generous people I know.
Sadly, most of them get a bad wrap because their passion for the environment and their choice is degraded by the meat & dairy industry, some governments and various lobbying groups. To make matters worse, there are thousands of inaccurate articles being distributed and no central resource to help people who are curious about veganism to learn. Until now…
Enter: Your Vegan Boyfriend.
Your one-stop destination for all the inspired instruction and resources you need to start eating less meat and have some fun while doing it.
Your Vegan Boyfriend Will Keep Your Heart Warm
With Laughter & Belly Filled With Veggies
At Vegan Boyfriend, we believe that vegan food and the vegan lifestyle has the ability to fill the world with more love, compassion & better health. Whether it’s a green smoothie or a tofu steak, we want more people from around the world to enjoy lip-smacking eats that are plant based and cruelty free. And recognize that a simple commitment to meatless mornings could be enough to make a difference. We believe that the love and support of this community and the global community is what determines the future of our world.
Our mission is to arm you with the information and resources you need to make healthy life choices. We’ll teach you recipes, cooking tips, research, and more that will make your journey into cutting back on meat more enjoyable and fun!
Because that’s what eating should be!
We’ll also bring you insider stories from other vegans, vegetarians as well as research on important vegan subjects like protein and sustainability. We’ll try to ensure that all of our articles and resources come from credible sources. Like a Strawberry & Banana Smoothie, we’re striving to make our content the best.
Ultimately, a community with a tribe trying to eat less meat and make more conscious choices about their lifestyle is a community making a difference. So, if you’ve ever asked yourself “Where would I get my protein?” or “What do I do if my daughter wants to be vegan?” or just simply “What can I do to eat less meat?”, then you’ve come to the right place!
To join our community of plant eating peeps receiving the best and most hilarious vegan and plant based content around, subscribe to our email newsletter.
It’s free and definitely delicious!